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Papers & articles
- Oetelaar, E. van den, Motor-driver Break-out board. Elektor Magazine, pp 56-61. September 2023.
- Langhorst, T., S. Orzan, T. Punter. B. Witkamp. A mixed data grid approach for systemic city question. ACM Workshop on Environmental Systems at ACM Mobisys, Helsinki. June 2023. doi: 10.1145/3597064.3597321.
- Punter, T. Robocup MSL as a platform for education and applied Research. Speedpaper at Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE). June 2023. ISBN: 978-90-386-5690-8 | ISSN: 2472-7687 .
- Bergman, M., C. van Tilborg, Servicerobot in de horeca - een case study. Robot Magazine, pp. 6-9, mei 2023.
- Dortmans, E., T. Punter. Behavior Trees for Smart Robots - Practical Guidelines for Robot Software Development. Journal of Robotics, Volume 2022. Article ID 3314084. doi: 10.1155/2022/3314084.
- Schreiber, W. De cognitieve zorgrobot komt eraan!. FMT - Gezondheidszorg, mei 2022.
- Punter, T., Hoe start je met digital twins? Ook het MKB kan een digital twin goed gebruiken. AG Connect, mei 2022.
- Gerrits, B., T. Punter, M. Bjorkqvist, C. Sun. M. Garzon, K. Wallkum, J. Benders. Durable cooperative agrobots systems engineering, Mikroniek, nr 2, 2022.
- Schellekens, C., T. Punter, R. Melotte, T. Broumels, L. Lakeman. Where the hack is my mobile robot? Bits & Chips Bits & Chips. 3 December 2020 or via this link (pp 40 - 41).
- Fraanje, R., R. Beltman, F. Theinert, M. van Osch, T. Punter, J. Bolte. Sensor Fusion of Odometer, Compass and Beacon Distance for Mobile Robots. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (IJAIML), 10 (1), 17 pages. DOI: 10.4018/IJAIML.2020010101
- Punter, T., E. Dortmans, S. Alers, M. Bergman. How to embody AI in Robotics? Accepted for ICTOpen March 2020.
- Andova, S., E. Dortmans, T. Punter. How to model soccer robot software? – A comparison of approaches. Abstract paper. Presented at ICTOpen. 20th of March 2019.
- Fraanje, R., R. Beltman, F. Theinert, M. van Osch, T. Punter, J. Bolte. Sensor fusion of odometry and a single beacon distance measurement. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM 2019).
- Punter, T., Software voor slimme systemen. Lectorale rede. Eindhoven. Fontys Hogescholen. 12th of October 2019.
- Punter, T., E. Dortmans, R. Bakx, K. Dieleman. Planning of mobile robots with various capabilities and their Testing Ground. Final Report RAAK MKB Let's Move IT project. 30 September 2020.
- Dortmans, E., S. Alers, M. Bergman, T. Punter. Intelligence for Robots (I4R): An Applied Research Proposal on AI in Robots. Final Report CoE HTSM Intelligence4Robots project. 26 January 2020.
- Punter, T., J. van Belle, M. Christiaans, O. Figaroa, B. Michielsen, B. Paszkowski. Developing a sensorgrid for a tomato greenhouse. Final Report RAAK MKB Scout project. 31 August 2019.
- Punter, T., C. Schellekens, R. Mélotte, T. Broumels, L. Lakeman, J. Vos. Cybersecurity of robots in the Smart Industry (in Dutch). Final Report KIEM project HTS.03.008. 15 July 2019.
- Teade Punter. Artificial Intelligence in de maakindustrie - hoe ziet de fabriek van de toekomst eruit? Bijeenkomst FME - Waardestromen in processen. Pijnacker/Online. 7 februari 2024.
- Frens Vonken & Teade Punter. The story of High Tech Systems and Materials. Opening at ASQ Fontys 2023. Eindhoven. 2 November 2023.
- Erik van Alphen & Teade Punter. Healthcare Innovation with Robot4Care Digital Twin. Presentation at ICT Open 2023, in Digital Transformation Technology and Health Informatics track. Utrecht. 20 April 2023
- Eric Dortmans. RIF-team status. Robocup MSL Workshop Eindhoven. 16-17 December 2022.
- Teatske van der Zijpp & Teade Punter, Robots in Care - from task to relation. ICT in Practice, Eindhoven. 21 October 2022.
- Dimitri van de Kelft & Teade Punter. Roadmap Centre of Expertise High Tech Systems & Materials. Meeting CTO-clubs on Connection industry and education/research, Eindhoven. 20 October
- Teade Punter. Praktijkgericht agro onderzoek met het hbo. ZLTO Alliantiefabriek - robotisering en tech in de agrarische sector, 's Hertogenbosch. 21 September 2022.
- Teade Punter. A primer on digital twins - what, why and how? Digital Twin Academy Webinar for FH Aachen. 20 April 2022.
- Jean-Paul Close & Teade Punter. How can citizens improve air quality?… in Eindhoven and in your city. Opening session for Internation Student Week. Eindhoven. 28th March 2022.
- Teade Punter. Air Quality Monitoring with IoT - guest lecture for Mega international eductional program. 22nd April 2021.
- Teade Punter. Robot software - overview presentation on research group. Online Presentation at ICT in Practice. 4th of February 2021.
- Eric Dortmans. Embodied Intelligence - on modeling robot behavior by applying behavior trees to enable human robot cooperation. Online Presentation at ICT in Practice. 4th of February 2021.
- Teade Punter. Status update RIF team. Online Presentation at 10th Robocup MSL International Workshop. 12th December 2020.
- Teade Punter. Software for Smart Systems. Online Presentation at ASQ Fontys 2020. 3rd November 2020.
- Teade Punter. How Smart Industry? Presentation at ICT in Practice. Eindhoven. 7th February 2020.
- Teade Punter. Soccer Robots by Software Engineers. Presentation at 9th RoboCup MSL International Workshop. Eindhoven. 22th - 24th November 2019.
- Suzana Andova, Eric Dortmans, Teade Punter. Modeling - models and learning. Presentation at Model Driven Engineering - Innovation Platform. Eindhoven. 28th of October 2019.
- Teade Punter. Data for Smart Systems. Keynote presentation at Opening of Data Value Center Smart Industry. Eindhoven. 17th of October 2019.
- Teade Punter. Engineering AI software for robotics. EU ECSEL Workshop on Autonomous Collaborative Systems. Eindhoven. 26th of September 2019.
- Teade Punter. Smart Tactical Robots. Presentation at Brainport Industry day - Robot and Autonomous Systems unit of Dutch Royal Army. Oirschot. 24th of September 2019.
- Eric Dortmans. Robot AI – How to teach my robot? Presentation at ICT in Practice. Eindhoven. 22nd of March 2019.
- Eric Dortmans. How to model soccer robot software? – A comparison of approaches. Presentation at ICT Open 2019. Hilversum. 19th March 2019.
- Teade Punter. My (first) robot twin - On digital twins for system development. Keynote presentation at ASQ Fontys Dutch Technology Week.Eindhoven. 4th June 2018.
- Teade Punter. How to develop robot software? Presentation at ICT in Practice Symposium of Fontys Hogeschool ICT. Eindhoven. 8th of March 2018.
- Teade Punter. About the ICT in Practice 2018 theme. Opening ICT in Practice Symposium of Fontys Hogeschool ICT. Eindhoven. 8th of March 2018.
Workshops, interviews & blogs
- Resoort, S., Project Digitale Fabriek brengt studenten in contact met het hightech werkveld. KIA Sleuteltechnologien, Februari 2024.
- Guido Segers, Kan AI helpen fijnstof tastbaar te maken? Fontys blog, 2 november 2023.
- Thomas van Zijl, Peter Lambooij & Adine Tjeenk-Willink over Zelfdenkende Moleculaire Systemen - Robotlab bij BNR Zakendoen, 10 juli 2023.
- Tom Langhorst. Using media for representations in Digital Twins - Strawberry Fields project learnings and insights. HTES-Blog. 2023.
- Femke During, Helianthe Kort, Monique de Knegt, Teade Punter, Eras Draaijer, Het verschil maken met het Nationaal Groeifonds. SIA Congres de Verschilmakers, Leiden. 17 November 2022.
- Teade Punter & Eva Nijeboer - Disassembly - Ontwerp en hergebruik voor de toekomst. Fontys ASQ, 10 november 2022.
- Ivo van der Hoeven, Eric van Alphen, Teade Punter Wordt Pepper straks een nuttige zorgassistent? Fontys Bron, 5 juli 2022.
- Thomas van Zijl, Teade Punter en Suzanne Schwartz over Digital twins voor het midden en klein bedrijf (mkb) bij BNR Zakendoen, 9 mei 2022.
- Casper Schellekens, Frederike Praasterink, Jeanet Bruil, Monique Lamine, Teade Punter. Onderzoek in grote consortia binnen de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda. Deelsessie SIA congres, online. 25 November 2021.
- Karin Dieleman, Teade Punter, Robert Wilterdink, Cornelis Bouter. Workshop on Asset Administration Shells (AAS). Workshop Digital Twin Academy. Eindhoven and online. 2 November 2021.
- Frits Bussemaker, Teade Punter, Jean-Pierre Schouwenaars, Hoe werken robots, overheid en onderwijs samen?, Break-out session at iBestuur congres, The Hague, 15 September 2021.
- Robot Software Development - Part I Robots track at ICT in Practice 2021 by Remco Slueper (Vanderlande Industries), Rink van Laar (Here Technologies), Paul van Dooren (Sorama), Hans Steuten (MWLC), Karin Dieleman, Erik van Alphen and Teade Punter (Fontys ICT).
- Cobots - Human Robot Cooperation - Part II Robots track at ICT in Practice 2021 by Eric Dortmans (Fontys), Simon Jansen (Smart Robotics), Marijke Bergman (Fontys), Karin Dieleman (Fontys) and Teade Punter (Fontys).
- Robots and Digital Twins - Part III of Robot track at ICT in Practice 2021 by Michael Borth (TNO ESI), Oscar Reynhout (ICT Group), Guido Gageldonk (Unit040), Benno Beuting (Cordis), Francois Strykers (Jobs@Skills), Erik van Alphen, Karin Dieleman and Teade Punter (Fontys ICT).
- Studentgroup Embedded Systems 2023nj - Demonstrator of Rifraf3, Robocup MSL platform at Strijp TQ, Eindhoven.
- Erik van Alphen. Robot Acties in de Zorg (ROAZ). Demonstrator of robot4care at ASQ Fontys 2020. 3rd November 2020.
- Teade Punter. GamesIoT. Demonstrator of IoT-based measurement system for airscrubber effectiveness at ASQ Fontys 2020. 3rd November 2020.
- Teade Punter, Thom vd Akker, Iwona Sikorska. Smart Tactical Robots. Demonstrator at Visit of Stuurgroep ‘Samenwerken Rijkoverheid met Hoger onderwijs’. 15th of January 2020.
- Teade Punter. Smart Predictable Robots project - A Test environment for human pose recognition. Demonstrator at ICT in Practice. Eindhoven. 22nd of March 2019.
- Egg picking robot with Hendrix Genetics, 2019.
- RIF Soccer robot for Robocup MSL, 2018 - 2022.
- Monitoring robot with HERE Technologies, Sorama & MWLC - 2020 - 2021.
- Smart Tactical Robot with RAS unit of Dutch army, 2019 - 2021.
- IoT Measurement system for Airscrubber, with Romicon, 2020 - 2021.
- IoT Measurement system for Airquality, 2021.
- Robot is geen superbesmetter (RIGS) robot with TSG, VDL-ETG, Fourtress & Bavaria, 2020 - 2022
- Digital Twin for Mechatronic Transfer System with Fontys Engineering, 2021 - 2022
Course material
- Cees van Tilborg, Teade Punter, Renata Frenken, Jan Dobbelsteen, Simona Orzan, Robin Agterberg en Arno Vos - Smart Infrastructure - een curriculum en onderwijsmodules voor een post-HBO opleiding. Opleidingsprogramma voor Smart Infra / Astrin academy. 2018 - 2021.
- Casper Schellekens, Vincent Denneman, Peter Hoogenberg, Teade Punter - Zelf aan de slag - workshop voor cybersecurity in de smart industry. 2019.