Self-Driving Challenge

Self-Driving Challenge


Fontys is gearing up to compete in the RDW Self-Driving Challenge (SDC) 2024. This exciting competition features two distinct categories and includes participation from 10 diverse teams. Our project is unique in its nature, providing an opportunity for student teams to engage in a competitive environment.

Student teams engage in competition by guiding self-driving vehicles through a series of trials on a track, which mimic real-world traffic scenarios that autonomous vehicles may encounter. These include challenges such as:

  • stopping at traffic lights
  • parking maneuvers
  • responding to pedestrians crossing the road

The winner of the Self Driving Challenge is the team whose autonomous vehicle completes these tasks most effectively and quickly.

Extra inzet op de hardware

Dat de challenge ook écht een uitdaging is blijkt wel: het traject in aanloop naar de twee mijlpalen van de SDC (de test- en finaledag) verloopt niet vlekkeloos. Sieuwe Elferink, student en project lead van het Fontys team, vertelt: “De SDC is een ontzettend uitdagend project. In een paar maanden tijd moeten wij een volledig autonoom voertuig bouwen. Hiervoor hebben we beperkte resources (mensen en budget), terwijl we eigenlijk hetzelfde doen als bijvoorbeeld een Tesla die hier jaren over doet. Vanuit niets bouwen wij een volledig voertuig met software met zowel high-level (een AI-systeem die de beslissingen neemt) als low-level code (software die bijvoorbeeld het stuur- en remsysteem aanstuurt). Bijna onmogelijk in zo’n korte tijd. Het bedrijf Holk Metaal heeft ons geholpen met enkele mechanische onderdelen, maar de rest doen we zelf.” Meer lezen over de challenge door Nathalie en het media team kan hier.

First test drive

Today a first test drive with our quad, looks very promising! Still some work to do, but this is a big step forward.

Sprint gathering

Every three weeks we have a sprint delivery from the software team. Combined with a team update meeting. Very happy to see that the software team is making good progress and putting a lot of effort in the challenge.

Worked on the assembly of our SDC vehicle

Today we worked on the assembly of the SDC vehicle, in the lab of our Engineering colleagues. Making good progress, the visitors of the RDW were impressed.

Getting Ready

Edwin @the lab

Fontys is gearing up to compete in the RDW Self-Driving Challenge (SDC) 2024. This exciting competition features two distinct categories and includes participation from 10 diverse teams. Our project is unique in its nature, providing an opportunity for student teams to engage in a competitive environment.

Our first challenge is getting our vehicle ready for the road.

KickOff RDC @RDW Lelystad

On February the 12th (yes during the carnaval holiday) a group of teachers and students went to Lelystad to visit the kick off event. During this event we could meet the other teams and visit the actually track were the race will take place.